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How do I plug it all in?

How to install it

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Getting the software ready
The installation process
Checking if it works
Changing your home computer
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CD and Donations

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CD and Donations


the CD (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) | downloadable CD (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) | donations


If you need to do more than one installation, or you're in a situation where you need to install the firewall on a system that cannot use the internet, it's useful to have a CD version. Also, if you don't want to go through all the trouble of downloading all the sources, the CD is the best place. Here's all the features:

  • Bootable. If your computers supports booting off CD, this CD will do that just fine.
  • PPPoE Support. The boot floppies on the net do not yet support PPP over Ethernet, the CD version does. We're working on getting the PPPoE support into the floppy disks as well, but right now you need to install with a CD to get this (you don't need to boot from the CD, just have the CD available for the floppy disks to use.
  • Floppy images. If your computer does not support booting off CD, everything you need to build the floppy disks to start the installation (and finish it from CD) can be found on the CD as well.
  • All the sources. Kernel, installer, well, everything we used to build it.
  • All of NetBSD for i386. You could call it a distribution, just like the Red Hat CD with GNU/Linux. The full NetBSD kit is on it, as well as all of the NetBSD source code, and the Packages collection source code (not the packages themselves, though!) We have no intention of competing with real distribution kits. So apart from the firewall, you can install a full NetBSD system as well with this CD.

To buy the CD from us, click the PayPal button below, and make sure you enter the address we need to ship the CD to. The price? $25.-

For international users, this includes shipping (for Dutch users, it includes BTW).


The downloadable CD(NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

If you don't need all the features of the regular CD, or you don't want to wait for the mail to bring you the CD, and if you can burn your own CD's, this might be just for you:

  • Bootable. If your computers supports booting off CD, this CD will do that just fine.
  • PPPoE Support. The boot floppies on the net do not yet support PPP over Ethernet, the CD version does. We're working on getting the PPPoE support into the floppy disks as well, but right now you need to install with a CD to get this (you don't need to boot from the CD, just have the CD available for the floppy disks to use.
  • Floppy images. If your computer does not support booting off CD, everything you need to build the floppy disks to start the installation (and finish it from CD) can be found on the CD as well.
  • None of the sources. To save space, we left out the source code to the operating system
  • None of NetBSD for i386. You can only install a firewall with this CD.

To buy the CD from us, click the PayPal button below, and after we get the e-mail from them detailing your payment, we email you the location of the 33 Mb download. The price? $10.-

For international users, this includes shipping (for Dutch users, it includes BTW).


No, we don't send you a T-shirt if you send us any money, but we sure do appreciate it. If you feel you don't need a CD, or feel $25 is just too much, you can sed any amount you want by clicking this button: (NO LONGER AVAILABLE)